Boosting GBM,GBDT,Gradient Boosting Machineref: https://scikit-learn.org...
PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS7TH EDITIONN. Gregory Mankiw[美] 曼昆 著 “我想象不出对于公司CE...
ref: 小额信贷:互联网微金融时代 Ch 1 小额信贷的起源与发展 Microfinance 微金融 小额信贷Microcredit定义: 交...
The Elements of User Experience: User-centered Design for the Web and Be...
ref: 微信公众号:Hi-Financeref: http://web.hi-finance.com.cn/episode?courseid=...
Design Website and Mobile Apps That Exceed ExpectationsAuthor: Kristofer...
ref: https://book.douban.com/people/JackyCSer/ SEC 1 综合 《产品经理手册》 《启示录:打造...
Author: 郝志中 Ch 1 互联网:3个“一” Ch 2 用户需求:就是一个“更”
Author: Giles Colborne Ch 1 话说简单 人们喜欢简单,值得信赖、适应性强的产品 Ch 2 明确认识 用户分类: 专家想...