words and phrases perm noun:a chemical process that makesyour hair curly, or a hairstyl...
words and phrases perm noun:a chemical process that makesyour hair curly, or a hairstyl...
(年底事儿多啦,所以能花在这上面的时间也随之减少。表黑体字为我阅读时查阅的单词。最后的单词总结不是全部,而是选择了觉得值得一看或者记忆的单词。) In Afghanistan...
Fremont, California. 1980s Baba loved the idea of America. It was liv...
March 1981 A young woman sat across from us. She was dres...
Sitting in the middle of my room the next morning, I ripped open box after box of prese...
I turned thirteen that summer of 1976, Afghanistan’s next to last summer of peace andan...
(今天改变了记录方式,把原著的Chapter 8全文都记录下来啦。这样对于想读的童鞋可能看起来更加方便) For a week, I barely saw Hassan. I...
Something roared like thunder. The earth shook a little and weheard the rat-a-tat-tat o...
Winter.Here is what I do on the first day of snowfall every year: I stepout of the hous...
这一章中,作者讲述了自己的故事,自己人生中的第一次failure 。作者最爱的叔叔—那个who I want to be when I grow up 离开了自己。和作者...