240 发简信
  • have a great holiday

    I run I study I am happy I am happy depends what other treat me

  • Resize,w 360,h 240
  • Drawing

    I spent more than 3 hours on drawing Why did not I do some exercise on r...

  • Impossible

    I am posible I speak English

  • Three frogs

    I have run 5km before 8am I have recite words I have read some books bef...

  • Be leader

    I am tired for l have a sleep after I run that’s why study hard student ...

  • 转学

    提高英语 跟老外学 精英团队 不是有机会了才去做,是做了才有机会

  • Resize,w 360,h 240
  • 稍安勿躁

    Are you ready?this is the first one best thing l have learned because it...