對未來的真正慷慨,是把一切獻給現在。 ——加繆 Real generosity towards the future lies in givin...
三思而後行。 Think, think, think.
我從地獄來,要到天堂去,正路過人間。 I am coming from hell, going to heaven, passing the w...
流水不腐,戶樞不蠹。 Moving things are unlikely to go bad.
浪費機會的人終會招致懲罰。 It's a sin to waste opportunities.
理可頓悟,事須漸修。 While inspiration strikes unexpectedly,it takes times to deve...
無知是罪。 Ignorance is a sin.
那些殺不死你的終將使你更強大。 What could not kill you, makes you stronger and better.
我思故我在。 I think, therefore I am.