240 发简信
  • 2019-04-30

    Nick Hauser: Welcome everybody. Nick Hauser here, and it's Today's custo...

  • 2019-03-21

    Sam Ovens: Hey everyone, Sam Ovens here, and in today's video, I want to...

  • 2018-04-28


  • 2018-04-25

    With theadvancement of information technology and the widespread use of ...

  • 2018-04-23

    人力资源从业人员今天在进行征聘和甄选时是否发挥了道德作用? 由于经济压力和竞争加剧,许多人试图通过减少资源和减少资金来取得更大的成就。 通常是与...

  • 2018-04-23

    Is there anethical role forHuman Resource practitioners, todaywhen under...

  • 2018-04-23

    Is there an ethical role for Human Resource practitioners, today when u...

  • 2018-03-24

    Critically analyse the organisational capacity issues fromthe recording ...