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    只有一个避难所,一副药方,那就是艺术和创作”。——陀思妥耶夫斯基 后疫情笼罩下的2023,注定是不平凡的,人们经历了太多的坎坷与磨难。幸好还有书...

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    Dawning-Bacterial War in Changde

    The movie Dawning was officially released across the country yesterday. ...

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    Bacterial War in Changde

    "Bacterial Warfare" is a word we don't want to face. People suffering ca...

  • 在不确定中确定

    这个世界唯一能确定的就是,未来充满不确定。 美国科研学者说 "AI将在越来越多的领域替代人工,甚至让人类感到恐惧。因为原本需要人类参与的生产活动...

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    In peace, sons bury their fathers ;but in war, fathers bury their sons W...

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    A last breath: today's despair tomorrow's hope

    "There is a place in your heart, and I know that it's love. And this pla...