write an option 卖出期权 The MSCI All Country World Index is a multi-market ...
Extension risk is the risk faced that when interest rates rise, fewer pr...
Futures price ≈ Spot price (1 + r) + Storage costs − Convenience yield. ...
The key difference between a wrap account and a mutual fund is that in a...
The post-audit’s purpose is to explain any differences between the actua...
拉氏:基期 派氏:报告期 Marshall–Lerner trade-weighted elasticity 贸易加权汇率弹性 The pur...
bank discount yield 360天 effective annual yield 365天 Any descriptive mea...
In the past, the SEC had required reconciliations between IFRS and US GA...
过去保持金融稳定的原因持续高速的经济增长政府的隐性担保 金融改革的特点数量上构建了一个机构繁多、资产规模巨大的金融体系政府对于市场运行仍然保持诸...