52006 黄美珊 带着“播撒阅读种子”目标,开启了21天打卡之旅,今天是打卡的最后一天,几天前就一直在思考要从哪些方面来总结这21天的收获?直...
52006 黄美珊 There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly Illustrated by Pan A...
52006 黄美珊 自从听了绘本讲师训练营的小伙伴Amanda讲的Washing Line之后,就被种草了,回来马上当当下单了这本好玩的绘本。 ...
52006 黄美珊 Go Away, Big Green Monster by Ed Emberley,这是最早入的绘本之一,百度了一下,才发现...
52006 黄美珊 Sheep in a Jeep Written by Nancy Shaw Illustrated by Margot Ap...
52006 黄美珊 Sheep in a Jeep Written by Nancy Shaw Illustrated by Margot Ap...
52006 黄美珊 Cows in the Kitchen Illustrated by Airlie Anderson 关于Child’s P...
52006 黄美珊 Cows in the Kitchen Illustrated by Airlie Anderson 关于Child’s P...
52006 黄美珊 Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed Written by Ellen Christ...