240 发简信
  • 随笔

    今日,闲来无事,写一篇这几天的感想,又或者叫静思,也不能算静思吧,还是叫他读书总结吧。 我们每天都在学习,阅读,听取各种各样的人的声音,建议,但...

  • 《认知觉醒》 读书笔记

    1 .快速进步,并且不降低自己对学习热情的办法 每次学习不能学习那种一眼你就知道答案,自己已经很熟悉的内容,那样只是原地踏步;也不能学习让你看一...

    0.1 59 0 1
  • 请抛开让你不堪回首的过去,重新上路

    《百万富翁快车道》阅读笔记 如果你同时涉足10件不同的事情,结果会是都平淡无奇。要集中做一项业务,并把它做好。 快车道的成功来自专注,不要将精力...

    0.1 49 0 1
  • 《When you thought I wasn't looking》

    This is message that every adult should read.because children are watchi...

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  • 《Time and Love》

    once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happ...

    0.1 69 0 1
  • 《Benjamin Button's Letter to Daughter》英语阅读

    For what it's worth: 正确的事情 It's never too late, or in my case, too early...

  • 《The Meaning of Mother》

    英文短文今日阅读 "M" is for the million things she gave me. "O" means only that ...

    0.6 64 0 3
  • 《millions of cats》 前段阅读 (三)

    #The Prettiest Cat They did not like such quarrelling. But after a while...

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  • 《millions of cats》片段阅读(二)

    Which One to Keep? And so he went back over the sunny hills and down thr...

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