240 发简信
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    Straight to the point

    "Straight to the point" is a common idiomatic expression that means bein...

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    Earning a living

    "Earning a living" is an idiomatic expression that means making enough m...

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    Tangible assets

    Tangible assets are physical, material assets that have a financial valu...

    2.2 77 0 11
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    Have divided opinions about

    To have divided opinions about something means that people hold differin...

    1.1 52 0 5
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    Car rental company

    A car rental company provides vehicles to customers for short periods, t...

    4.5 180 0 18
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    A meristem is a type of plant tissue that consists of undifferentiated c...

    2.5 98 0 9
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    Does reading fiction count as reading?

    Yes, absolutely! Reading fiction definitely counts as reading. In fact, ...

    6.3 219 0 20
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    Abandon attempt

    The phrase "abandon attempt" typically refers to the decision to stop pu...

    2.3 56 0 4
  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    Help the environment

    The phrase "help the environment" refers to actions, initiatives, or pra...

    7.8 271 0 24