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  • 每日一词36

    1.He didn't have the backbone and gave up the scholarship application at...

  • 每日一词35

    1.The Economist has wide appeal for students who want to improve their E...

  • 每日一词34

    1.The essence of star-ups is rapidly growth. 2. The essence of football ...

  • 每日一词33

    1.The new electric car will have an edge over its rivals. 2.场景:他的丰富经验使得他...

  • 每日一词32

    1.The decision is a trade-off between efficiency and cost. 2.There must ...

  • 每日一词31

    1.Creative minds tend to challenge and even deviate from the norm, rathe...

  • 每日一词30

    1.Exchange of gossip can efficiently cement a friendship. 2.共同的爱好可以增进关系。...

  • 每日一词29

    1. People are often swayed by ads and buy lots of unnecessary things. 2....

  • 每日一词28

    1.The government has gradually toughened regulations and punishments on ...