240 发简信
  • 学会爱的宽容

    年少时的恋爱,强势到要把对方融进骨头里。希望对方是按着自己想的方向去生长。结果换来了很大一部分失落。导致了很多不开心。 后面长大了,兜兜转转中,...

  • Gambition 28

    Actions speak louder than words.已经连续两期没有认真完成了,这一期刚开始时自己在忙工作,觉得老师布置作业略难,...

  • 人嘛,最重要的就是开心啦


  • Gambition Day10

    One Day in Xiamen Rencently I came to Xiamen to have great trip...

  • Gambition Day9

    Merkel was born in Hamburg, West Germany, in 1954. Her father, Horst Kas...

  • Gambition Day6

    There is a English gentle men presented on this photo. His hair is brown...

  • Gambition Day4

    In the daytime, a cheetah is chasing a lump in the Africa savannah. The ...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    Gambition Day 2

    As a shelf-ladder drifts into view, there is a hidden shelve on which pu...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    Gambition Day1

    A clear brook flow along the forest. Both sides of the bank are lined w...