Why do we read? For brilliant? For knowledge? or for entertainment? Mayb...
This chapter was intended to introduce the recommended great books that ...
1.Most people like fiction books. As for the nonfiction book, the mainly...
These are the basic rules stated by the author enough to apply to any in...
The Things the Reader Can Say After reading this topic, I can't understa...
The activity of reading does not stop with the work of understsnding wha...
In this chapter, we will talk about "What's the Propisition and Why" Fir...
初看本章的标题,心理还不清楚它的含义,耐着性子往下读才对它的理解就是,和作者达成思想共识。 We speak of community when...
Every book has a skeleton hidden between its boards. 每本书都是有生命的,拥有自己的灵...