240 发简信
  • 准确性练习9-修改

    准确性练习9--经济专题 The index of leading economic indicators fell 0.3%in May. I...

  • 准确性练习9

    准确性练习9--经济专题 The index of leading economic indicators fell 0.3%in May. I...

  • 准确性练习-8-修改

    Clintonhas strongly defended those practices and blamed excesses on the ...

  • 准确性练习-8

    Clintonhas strongly defended those practices and blamed excesses on the ...

  • 准确性练习七

    China and Russia vetoed a U.N. resolution onFebruary 4 that would have b...

  • 准确性练习六-修改

    For the Palestinians, itimplies settling for something less than full so...

  • 准确性练习六

    For the Palestinians, itimplies settling for something less than full so...

  • 准确性练习五

    1、Wecannot legally conclude a peace treaty with Japan. 通过合法程序与日本签订和平条约是不...

  • 准确性练习四

    1. Moscow radio said Russia had lived up to its end of the Khrushchev-Ke...