240 发简信
  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    <meta name="viewport">

    若没有在 meta 中定义 viewport,浏览器会自行定义给予预设值,而且显示效果很糟糕 若没有该标签,媒体查询也会失效 通常设定如下 1、...

  • Whatisawebserver?

    In this article we go over what web servers are, how they work, and why ...

  • What is a domain name?

    This article discusses domain names: what they are, how they are structu...

  • What is a URL?

    This article discusses Uniform Resource Locators (URLs), explaining what...

  • How the Web works

    How the Web worksprovides a simplified view of what happens when you vie...

  • How does the Internet work?

    This article discusses what the Internet is and how it works. 文章地址 Summa...