Step One 词汇: (1)innocence n.天真,单纯 innocence ends when one is stripped of the delusion t...
Step One 词汇: (1)innocence n.天真,单纯 innocence ends when one is stripped of the delusion t...
1. innocence ends when one is stripped of the delusion that one likes oneself. 当一个人从自我感...
Part One 听讲解(两种逻辑导图剖析) 记笔记 一种从行文思路出发、一种从抽取主要概念出发 哲学思辨散文:不需要数据、证据;行文前后一致 几种行文思路: (1) 开门见...
Part One 听讲解(典故) 记笔记 1. Crime And Punishment Raskolnikov is the protagonist of the nove...
New words and phrases 1. marvel |ˈmärvəl| verb (marvels, marveling, marveled; chiefly B...
Magazine On Self-Respect: Joan Didion’s 1961 Essay from the Pages of Vogue October 22, ...
前阵子,闺蜜向我求助: 她儿子都快四岁了,晚上睡觉还要摸乳房。 孩子大了不能再摸、否则不利于孩子成长……道理她都懂,可就是没法执行。 有一次我狠心不让他摸,可他哭得非常伤心,...
今天粗略的算了一下,自己2018年也读了93本书了,趁着年尾,我准备把看书的数量凑到100,顺便推荐8本对我影响最深的书,希望你也能喜欢。 既然是推荐书,我想每个人肯定有自己...
1) I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you. 我...
一、选书 书是读不完的,重要的是要读你有兴趣,想去读的书。现在网上资源太多了,各种网盘,各种分享,很多其实我们收藏之后永远都不会再看了,我们要学会拒绝我们用不上的东西,只要能...
1.delusion a false belief or opinion about yourself or your situation: the delusions of...