240 发简信
  • flask-admin里 js实现图片点击放大缩小的功能

    jquery的toggleClass()帮你轻松实现 .max{width:100%;height:auto;}.min{width:100px...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240

    意图: 定义一个创建对象的接口,让其子类自己决定实例化哪一个工厂类,工厂模式使其创建过程延迟到子类进行 主要解决: 主要解决接口选择的问题。 何...

  • 让mocha+nightmare 在ubuntu上运行起来

    为了让UI 自动化脚本在Linux server上跑起来,也就是headless browser automation,我在网上查了一下,基本就...

  • Happiness is we are together

    3 days before Spring Festival, Dad arrived Beijing to see his grandson. ...

  • A Good Beginning is Half Done

    Today, I decide to learn some developing skills and improve English in t...

  • find the differences

    Question: Given two strings s and t which consist of only lowercase lett...

  • invert binary tree (recursion)

    Question: Invert a binary tree.4/ \2 7/ \ / 1 3 6 9to4/ \7 2/ \ / 9 6 ...

  • 关于ElasticSearch Bulk的用法

    Background 刚接触ElasticSearch不久,公司让我帮忙去导一下数据,刚开始数量并不是很大,我都是用Elasticsearch ...

  • Maximum Binary Tree Depth

    Question: Given a binary tree, find its maximum depth.The maximum depth ...
