科技对阅读习惯的影响16.4.2 internalized knowledge内化的知识 背景 Look around on your next...
优点部分 The shift in people's shopping preference may spur them to flock to...
练开头+中间部分 The line graph compares how much a certain government did and ...
Some people believe that the government should spend more money putting ...
剑14.4.2第三段 7.12 However, pitfalls accompany premises. Chief among these ...
It is important for children to learn the difference between right and w...
有关学习、自控力、专注力、记忆力的书籍 普通的/平凡的 mediocre,second-rate, average, indifferent, ...
eat out of one's hand【口语】 to accept the domination of another Risa is pr...
转折句型 1.Now, however, there turns out to be more to the story. 2.But a qu...