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  • 小妇人第8章

    "I don't!' said Jo.“我不喜欢。”乔说。'Nor do I!' shouted the others.“我也不喜欢。"其他人喊...

  • 小妇人

    Amy skated out towards the smoother ice in the middle of the river. Jo r...

  • 20201016翻译

    One afternoon a week or two later, Jo went outside to clear the snow awa...

  • 2020-02-22

    I can’t stay!’I cried furiously.’Do you think I can watch another woman ...

  • 2020-02-16

    One dark,stormy night I visited the dying woman.She lay there asleep in ...

  • 2020-02-07

    But I was looking for someone else.The last time I had seen him,on the n...

  • 2020-02-03

    ’Yes,Miss Eyre,I was young and foolish then.I was so in love with her th...

  • 2020-01-23

    I walked on,glad to have helped someone,to have done something active fo...