看着像婴儿般熟睡的母亲, 天使一样的神情,无辜的好像一片棉花糖似的云彩,乌云也许就隐藏在其中, 思绪将薛良抽离出清雅疗养院, 穿越墙壁,瓷砖,楼...
The art of comparison As Shakespeare wrote, "shall I comparethee to a s...
Shakespeare's tragedy has a recurring theme: "Character is destiny." The...
When I do count the clock that tells the time, And see the brave day sun...
Mark but this flea, and mark in this, How little that which thou deniest...
Now that of absence the most irksom night With darkest shade doth ouerco...
Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Thou art more lovely and more te...
“这是要分手的节奏啊” 丹睡眼惺忪,蓬头垢面,一边揉着眼睛,打着哈欠,懒洋洋的说。 “能不能说点儿吉利的, 只是有人在追她,然后小吵了一架,又不...
学历高的就是成功的,学历低就是没前途, 有多少人是这样认为的? 首先什么是学历?是学习的经历,文凭,十年寒窗? 还是一个人从出生开始所接触信息的...