單字 Endeavor/ɪnˈdev·ər/ aneffor torattemptto do something: [Example] Some...
單字 slapdash done or made in ahurriedandcarelessway: [Example] Whatever m...
單字 Endeavor /ɪnˈdev·ər/ aneffortorattemptto do something: [Example] Some...
單字 hone to make anobjectsharp: to make somethingperfectorcompletelysuita...
單字 outgrowth aresultordevelopment: [Example] It was a natural outgrowth ...
單字 Regress toreturnto apreviousand lessadvancedorworsestate,condition, o...
單字 Apparatus anorganizationorsystem,especiallyapoliticalone: a set ofequ...
|單字| 1. Languish toexistin anunpleasantorunwantedsituation, often for al...
字義 aficionadoof someone who is veryinterestedin andenthusiasticabout apa...