@雨沙_caa7 早上好,字里行间,墨香四溢,拜读佳作
笔若的诗|在人民医院¹的清晨里狂想(耳朵)(In people's hospital in the morning of the crazy(Aars))文/笔若By Bi Ruo (1)揭开白色的医用被,屏住呼吸Open the white medical quilt and breathe我的身体就瞬间被释放出来My bo...
@雨沙_caa7 早上好,字里行间,墨香四溢,拜读佳作
笔若的诗|在人民医院¹的清晨里狂想(耳朵)(In people's hospital in the morning of the crazy(Aars))文/笔若By Bi Ruo (1)揭开白色的医用被,屏住呼吸Open the white medical quilt and breathe我的身体就瞬间被释放出来My bo...
笔若的诗|在人民医院¹的清晨里狂想(耳朵)(In people's hospital in the morning of the crazy(Aars))文/笔若By Bi Ruo (1)揭开白色的医用被,屏住呼吸Open the white medical quilt and breathe我的身体就瞬间被释放出来My bo...
文/笔若By Bi Ruo (1)揭开白色的医用被,屏住呼吸Open the white medical quilt and breathe我的身体就瞬间被释放出来My bo...