240 发简信
  • Clean Oracle SNIPED session

    Alter system disconnect session 'sid,serial#' immediate

  • ruby:hash to Struct

    h={'k'=>'v'} s=Struct.new(*(h.keys.map {|x| x.downcase.to_sym})).new(*h....

  • ubuntu :ruby nokogiri openssl

    1. apt-get install libssl-dev 2.apt-get install libssl-dev libreadline-d...

  • owa 简介

    owa 工作流程 1.browser 点击访问app server 上的文档; 2.app server 返回breswer 一个WOPIFra...

  • Message queue

    1. RabbitMq :专注队列,管理界面功能强大,Erlang 开发,支持amqp协议,支持持久化,容错,优先级(by plugin) ru...

  • wget https

    wget -c -O master.zip --no-check-certificate https://github.com/mitsuhik...

  • ruby parse email address

    @a="Abe Allen , Bob Blue , c@c.com"b=@a.split(',')#=> ["Abe Allen ", " B...

  • exim things

    utf8 exim -DUTF8=allow_utf8_domains -bt bounce@π.test.ex 14.22. Bounce a...

  • wice_grid

    A Rails grid plugin to create grids with sorting, pagination, and (autom...