Historical fiction is a literary genre in which a fictional plot takes p...
It’s not just obesity. Ozempic and its cousins will change the world本篇主要...
A South Korean literary trend is takingthe world by storm以为韩女发疯文学,结果是治愈文...
副标题:AI models trained on patients' speech can diagnose some mental-healt...
How weight-loss drugs have changeddemand for diet books以前还听过减肥药,现在好像消失了一...
The intrepid Colombian researcher into Alzheimer's disease died on Septe...
After election night in American,complexity will meet conspiracy—with ba...
为什么看这本? 为了凑起一个月15小时阅读时常。边看边听完结了这本书,带给我的结果超预期,真的很适合女孩子阅读。前半段看的很简单,很多生活零碎的...
The catastrophic conflict could kill millions-and spread chaos across Af...