1. 英英释义:to be a sign of something that is going to come or happen soon e...
1. 英英释义:be constantly or visibly anxious e.g. Don't fret. Everything wil...
1. 英英释义:be regarded or classified as; be the equivalent of eg. Explanati...
1. 英英释义:to give what is needed to someone eg. Many Europeans believe tha...
1. 词:out- 2. 理解:"out"作为前缀使用是非常高频、好用的表达。我们之前学习过 outlast, 今天我们继续学习一些含有 out...
1. ill- 2. 理解:上周我们学习了"well-", 今天我们学习一个意义和它相反的前缀"ill-",同样是让我们的表述更简洁的好用表达。...
mantra 1. 英英释义:a word or phrase which is often repeated and which someti...
1. 英英释义:competition for the same objective or for superiority in the sam...
1. well- 2. 理解:"well"经常被用作前缀构词,表示“良好的”“非常的”。我们常见的词有"well-educated"(受过良好教...