240 发简信
  • grins

    Our grins are not as simple as they seem.There are a myriad diifferent w...

  • Lower the head to family低头族

    The picture depicts a couple dating in the park.While the man just focus...

  • reading books

    Life is a journey,during which we are all in desperate need of a true fr...

  • 公务员热潮 civil servant test craze

    In recent years,there are more and more people who have participated in ...

  • Should graduates spend much on job hunting?

    Nowadays college graduates spend more and more money on job hunting.Acco...

  • Campus food waste校园食物浪费

    According to the xinhua News Agency,the food wasted by chinese people ev...

  • Singles day光棍节

    On the 11th day of Novermber,Singles Day is a special occasion in China ...

  • Greeting card贺卡

    Most of the fashionable greeting cards on sale in the market are the spl...

  • 形容组和固定搭配

    beableto(do)能(做),会(做) beaboutto(do)即将,正要 beabsentfrom缺勤,缺课 beabundantin丰...