240 发简信
  • L3U2P6 Calling Customer Service

    Calling Customer Service Answering machine/ˈkʌstəmər/ AM:Thank you for c...

  • L3U2P5 A Driver-less Car

    A Driver-lessCar M1:Hey, look at that. M2:Look at what? M1:Look out the ...

    3.5 51 0 1
  • L3U2P6 Continents

    Continents Here are 6 of the Earth’s 7 continents./ˈkɒntɪnənts/大陆大洲 Asia...

  • L3U2P5 Vocabulary : Things We Enjoy Doing

    Vocabulary : Things We Enjoy Doing This man goes running 5 days a week i...

  • L3U2P4 Water On Earth 流利英语

    Water On Earth Most of the Earth’s water is in the oceans. The two large...

  • L3U2P4 Overview of Earth 流利英语

    Overview of Earth Earth is where we all live. It is our home in the sola...

    0.2 85 1 2
  • L3U2P3 Checking up on Ada 流利英语

    Checking up on Ada How was Ada’s new job in Beijing? It seems to be goin...