社区公园游记 In the Playground M: Today is Sunny day, Let's go to the playgrou...
听:OA & GK 日常对话 M: Oh No, today is rainny day, but we forgot to take the ...
Book 01 the baby animals Book 02 the new puppy Song The chicken dance Do...
听:OA & GK 日常对话 M: Oh No, today is rainny day, but we forgot to take the ...
READING Heinemann LEARNING:OA unit 04 Introduce BIRD How to build a nest...
DAILY CONVERSATION Mom: get up! Debbie, today we will go to the Yoyo's c...
听: GK Cartoon time: Oa Unit03 Reading: Big book & Small book(Unit03) Mom...
听: OA 学:Unit03 Warm up:ABC Song & Kangaroo Song Introduce Kangaroo Mom(w...
听: OA unit1-6 视频: OA unit02 复述: OA unit02 游戏: Bubble Popped 手工: Draw bub...