1.bar∙ren ◙adj. 1. (of land or soil土地或土壤) not good enough for plants to ...
Classical music isn’t dead By William Robin Day20 单词整理 1.ring out PHRASA...
Day 16 1.Phi Beta Kappa ΦβK 联谊会(美国大学高材生组织)、美国大学优等生荣誉学会、斐陶斐荣誉学会 The Phi B...
Day-11补充阅读 Clean energy’s dirty secret Wind and solar power aredisruptin...
1.ongoing n.发展;行为;(奇怪的或不适当的)处置 adj.持续存在的;仍在进行的;不断发展的 We look forward to ...