@Hope_Y 太难了,你是换账号重新提交的吗?
iOS 上架审核-Other - OtherOther - OtherHello, The review of your app is taking longer than expected. Once we have...
@Hope_Y 太难了,你是换账号重新提交的吗?
iOS 上架审核-Other - OtherOther - OtherHello, The review of your app is taking longer than expected. Once we have...
@直到世界终点 不会封号就行,等都无所谓。因为账号下有其他app。怕受影响。
The review of your app is taking longer than expected苹果今年5月份出了新的拒绝条款,原文如下: 发件人 AppeOther - OtherHello,The review of your app is taking longe...
@直到世界终点 好的,感谢,我先再等一段时间,再考虑申诉,非常感谢大佬。
The review of your app is taking longer than expected苹果今年5月份出了新的拒绝条款,原文如下: 发件人 AppeOther - OtherHello,The review of your app is taking longe...
@直到世界终点 好的,感谢大佬,我是很担心影响其他app,所以不敢申诉,只能先等着了,不知道要等多久?
The review of your app is taking longer than expected苹果今年5月份出了新的拒绝条款,原文如下: 发件人 AppeOther - OtherHello,The review of your app is taking longe...
@直到世界终点 我没敢申请,听说一申诉就封号。我等了十几天了,你呢?申诉了?多久?
The review of your app is taking longer than expected苹果今年5月份出了新的拒绝条款,原文如下: 发件人 AppeOther - OtherHello,The review of your app is taking longe...
The review of your app is taking longer than expected苹果今年5月份出了新的拒绝条款,原文如下: 发件人 AppeOther - OtherHello,The review of your app is taking longe...
The review of your app is taking longer than expected苹果今年5月份出了新的拒绝条款,原文如下: 发件人 AppeOther - OtherHello,The review of your app is taking longe...
The review of your app is taking longer than expected. Once we have completed our review…...被拒理由: ---------------------------------------------------- 2020年5月18日 上午4:53 发件人 Apple ...
The review of your app is taking longer than expected. Once we have completed our review…...被拒理由: ---------------------------------------------------- 2020年5月18日 上午4:53 发件人 Apple ...
iOS 上架审核-Other - OtherOther - OtherHello, The review of your app is taking longer than expected. Once we have...
@凤尾竹 大概几天有回复啊?我这边也是这个问题,没有申诉,等了三天了,一直没有任何消息。大概还要多久啊?
Other - Other被拒Other - Other Hello, The review of your app is taking longer than expected. Once we hav...
参考如下: http://www.niaogebiji.com/article-24989-1.html?tdsourcetag=s_pctim_aiomsghttps://...
正常的时候,开发者账号需要续费,直接登录在顶部显示下图,点击'Renew Membership',按步骤续费就可以了。 但是,我今天登录开发者账号的时候,却遇到了下面的问题,...
由于新改版的续费模式对于新创建的开发者来说可能比较友好(支持微信、支付宝以及信用卡【在Developer App上操作即可】),而对于续费的老用户来说,可能会出现致命的问题。...
什么会给多线程的安全造成隐患? 有了多线程技术支持,我们可以并发的进行多个任务,因此同一块资源就有可能在多个线程中同时被访问(读/写)。这个现象叫作资源共享,比如多个线程同时...