人成长的过程中,是逐渐趋于独立的,也就意味着最终还得靠自己。 当时读研究生的时候,进入课题组,想着能有师兄师姐带带我,帮着设计实验之类的。久了才...
1. A trouble A day is a miniature of the enternity. Sometimes you have a...
In fact, when I begin to write this note, it isn't today but tommorrow. ...
Concentrate on doing three things andconsider about my next graduated pl...
At the beginning, it also shows my achievements in this day and some int...
Today, mainly concentrate on a speech named 'How to get better at the th...
After Labour Day, I stayed with my boyfriend for a long time. During thi...
从大二下学期到大四结束,一直是班长。这中间有多少酸甜苦辣,其实也只有有过相似经历的人才会懂。 班长、团支书身为一个集体中最重要的两个职位,通常都...