文 | 方姑娘 编辑 | 小麦 01 近日,马伊琍更新微博弹手风琴,演奏《小星星》,一副轻松愉悦的样子,心思变得曼妙轻盈。 提起马伊琍,想必大家一定都不陌生,她长相漂亮,演...
一、Christina's Future Plans1 Christina sells women's clothing in a department store.She ...
Christina's parents want her to marry and have children.They are looking forward to hav...
Actions & Comparisons This people are having a meeting. The woman is giving a presentat...
An Unusual Day Kathy usually gets up at 6:30, but this morning she didn't hear her alar...
文/林小白 01 这几天,一条新闻让我们每个普通人都深感不安,舆论一片哗然,就连人民日报也忍不住出手了。 事情是这样的:6 月 15 日下午,一对情侣,入住郑州玉泰酒店,无意...