- Lady Sybil is a perfect model of health and beauty. 茜玻小姐是健康与美丽的完美化身。 -...
I should try to accept it with as good a grace as I could muster. 我会尽可能以...
- The business of life is the acquisition of memories. In the end that's...
You're nervous because you're intelligent. Only stupid people are foolha...
【Spider Man】 - Don't just follow the path. Make your own trail. 不要随波逐流,要...
【Captain America】 - A strong man who has known power all his life, they ...
【Iron Man】 - You can destroy my house, my equipment, but you can't break...
“May”小分享 1. Mayday原为“救我”的法语“m'aidez;如果用英语发音,就变成了“Mayday”。 2. May 的名字来源于罗...