为什么要用滤波算法?是由于系统的不确定性:1.不存在完美的数学模型。2.系统的扰动不可控,也很难建模。3.测量传感器存在误差。 卡尔曼滤波算法(...
Introduction to the IIC bus protocol1.1 IIC::Integrated circuit bus, is ...
1.What is the mpu6050?The MPU6050 is an integrated 6-axis motion process...
I followed the course how to use a serial port today.After I wrote all t...
when I wrote the instance basic timer interrupt,the keil5 occurred error...
When I downloaded keil5 and tied to compile the code that institution pr...
First, things that stm32 passively executes (equivalent to stm32 resour...