Pigface, also known as Carpobrotus (which means edible fruits, in fact, ...
The name of wattle comes from an ancient construction technique called w...
Agapanthus, commonly known as Lily of the Nile or African Lily, is a bea...
Foxglove, also known as digitalis, is native to Europe, Western Asia, an...
Euphorbia wulfenii is also known as Mediterranean Spurge. It is native t...
***郑重声明:文章系原创非首发,首发于搜狐网站,ID: 汶铖,文责自负。 刚是清晨,暑气还没有升腾起来,正是酷热的一天中最清凉的时候,人们都赶...
***郑重声明:文章系原创非首发,首发于《翠苑》杂志,文责自负。 “叮铃铃铃铃……”一阵刺耳的下班铃声激活了死气沉沉的工厂,一天终于结束了。我关...
***郑重声明:文章系原创非首发,首发于《江海晚报》,文责自负。 老窦一家四口租住在我家斜对过人家的自搭棚屋里。他们在这里卖早点已经好多年了。每...
***郑重声明:文章系原创非首发,首发于《雨花》杂志,文责自负。 谢先生越来越臃肿了。下放回来,特别是老伴走了以后,他就不太爱动了,和人交往也懒...