240 发简信
  • leetcode-tree relevant

    一个inorder traverse 的iteration: 先循环左边,左边循环完循环右边,但是右边的node也要循环他的左边,所以要把循环左...

  • leetcode-12

    Coin Change Boundary: There may be no possible change, so in this scenar...

  • leetcode-11

    House Robber [2,1,1,2] => 并不是每隔一个加一就是最佳最佳问题=>考虑DP=>思考循环的关联对于一个nums[i]: r...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    MAC OSX下opencv 4的静态库编译与连接/ compile and link opencv static library under OSX

    我!终于!成功在MAC下面把opencv4程序静态编译起来了!先上compile的命令:g++ -std=c++11 main.cpp prep...

  • leetcode-Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock

    Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock 其实也算是DP,每次的结果和前一次的结果比较 Best Time to Buy ...

  • leetcode-9

    Subsets Bit manipulation and map can be useful aside from backtracking P...

  • leetcode-8

    Climbing Stairs Just Fibonacci. Dynamic Programming's space complexity c...

  • Backtracking

    Combination Sum Most basic backtracking. The idea of begin position is e...

  • leetcode-day6

    输入值是指针考虑是不是NULL, next是不是NULL输入值是数组考虑长度为0 Search a 2D Matrix II Instead o...