240 发简信
  • BA如何高效组织IPM

    ######## Elaboration & Estimation 掌握每张卡的详细细节,包括技术细节。因为,到阐述和估卡的时候,更多的时间是在...

  • Tiong Bahru - 中峇鲁


  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    Queenstown - 皇后镇


  • Scenario - 健身

    One of the purposes I am in Singapore is to keep fitness. In the followi...

  • Scenario - 住

    Village Residence Clark QuayIt's an awesome apartment with a gym, swimmi...

  • Scenario - 行

    HikingLast Saturday (2019-07-20), we went to MacRitchie Reservoir (麦里芝蓄水...

  • Scenario - 食

    Food,include breakfast, lunch, brunch, dinner, different kinds of food, ...

  • Scenario - 衣

    Scenario 1: 某天,穿着新买的高跟鞋去上班,刚到办公室,就遇到一个来自Romania的女生,对话就这样开始了。 此场景中,常用到的词语...

  • English Summary

    1. Could you please advise/see/... example:Can you please see if this ha...

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