240 发简信
  • VBA 常规控件

    1、UserForm 基础 显示 UserForm 编程语法是:UserFormName.Show要显示名为 UserForm1, UserFo...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240

    一、4P: Performance(metrics)— 描述过程绩效和定义战略目标的标准度量 Process— 管理流程和流程关系的标准描述 ...

  • 3.3 Special Application Update

    GreenSCOR replaced by SustainableSCOR SustainableSCOR is based upon The ...

  • 3.2 SCOR v12 Updates

    The SCOR model is developed and maintained by the voluntary efforts of A...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    3.1 SCOR Improvement Program and SCOR Racetrack

    The SCOR Racetrack model describes how to organize a SCOR improvement pr...

  • 2.4 People

    The People section of SCOR was introduced in SCOR 10 and provides a stan...

  • 2.3 Practices

    The practices section, formerly known as 'best practices', provides a co...

  • 2.2 Processes

    The Process section in SCOR provides a set of pre-defined descriptions f...