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  • 7-2-2 The Boiling Water in Amazon

    1 As aboyinLima, mygrandfathertoldme alegendof theSpanishconquestofPeru. Atahualpa,empe...

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    YouTube励志短片《投资自己》How do you spend your time?


  • 7-1-1 On Procrastination 拖延症

    1 So in college, I was a government major, which means I had to write a lot of papers. ...

  • 【转载】懂你英语-笔记分享L6(Level6完整版)

    本文中的部分内容转载自简书 作者:Noah喏哈 本文中的部分内容转载自简书 作者:YMMT彩 笔记版权归笔记作者所有 其中英文语句取自:英语流利说-懂你英语 ————————...