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    「我的情人节」|【读书社群】第二期有奖征文活动公告 文/舒心 假如我来世上一遭/只为与你相聚一次 /只为了亿万光年里的那一刹那/一刹那里所有的甜...

    341.6 8957 75 516
  • 甜蜜乡愁


  • 学习笔记:instinct

    There is something in every human being, even the most degraded, that sl...

    9.7 417 4 45
  • 学习笔记:desire

    Many people waste a whole life waiting for the chance to meet their desi...

    11.3 391 2 40
  • 学习笔记:fail

    A man can fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to bla...

    12.2 561 4 50
  • 学习笔记:program

    A man's reading program should be as carefully planned as his diet, for ...

    16.4 569 4 49
  • 学习笔记:fool

    A fool thinks he is clever, the wise man knows himself to be a fool. 愚人认...

    17.8 603 3 49
  • Resize,w 360,h 240


    35.2 1639 21 112
  • 学习笔记:travel

    Sometimes you have to travel a long way to find what is near.有时候你需要走到天边,...

    13.3 559 4 45