240 发简信
  • Hello World

    Hello World 测试 标题 2 code 引用 本篇文章由一文多发平台ArtiPub自动发布

  • Resize,w 360,h 240

    先说残差图究竟是什么鬼。 残差图是指以残差为纵坐标,以任何其他指定的量为横坐标的散点图。(上图仅是残差的示意图,非残差图,残差图可见下文) 用普...

    5.6 136261 2 76 1
  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    Is Love an Art ? ——Erich Fromm

    “Love is a decision, it is a judgment, it is a promise. If love were onl...

-性格左右命运 气度影响格局-
A Lust For Life is a project developed to challenge the stereotypical and vainglorious social value and motivate myself and everyone else, lack of faith, ideals and passion of the lost generation.