240 发简信
  • 今天

    今天的我很想哭, 心情也不错 但是眼泪会控制不住的往外跑 不知道为什么吖 原来不是只有伤心的时候才会流泪呀

  • 铁石心肠,玻璃心

    越长大越害怕得罪人,处处得小心翼翼 还得不停的照顾别人的情绪 处处小心 不再有了以前的天性 自己的玻璃心随时可能碎一地 也不曾有人拾起 越宠只会...

  • 记录大一

    大一,长吗?短吗?我也不知道,可是它悄悄的离我而去了。 没有留下一点痕迹 小学姐,是我?可是好像不够格耶 我不再稚嫩 需要考虑未来了哩 大一做了...

  • Interested day

    Today,I got up early.because this is the first day that I learn how to d...

  • June

    Today is the first day of June.I hope I will have fun this month.I decid...

  • CET—6

    This afternoon I take part in CET—6.I don't know whether I can pass it.B...

  • sadness

    Everytime I call them,they didn't care about me what happened on me thes...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240

    First, I have to say sorry and to criticize myself.the reason why I must...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    Just for spirits

    long time no record the diary, a lot of things amazing had happened in t...