1、C++类型检查严格 ```c++ const int a = 10; int b = a; cont int *pa = &a; int *...
Last weekend,my classmates and I went camping.We found a grassy spot bes...
Lisa:Welcome back! What was America like? Jone:OK,I guess. Lisa:Well,wha...
After I graduation, I went to Beijing to further my studies.I lived ther...
My girlfriend and i had a wonderful time last night.First, i took her to...
Rita:Hi,Jay,where did you go last night? Jay:I stayed home. Rita:But I c...
人生真理在勤奋工作中领会 问题:怎么提升人格? 答案:天天勤奋劳作就够了 所谓“精进”,就是埋头于眼前工作,勤奋努力,心无旁骛 全身关注于一事一...
乱世中追问人生的意义 现象:物质富裕,精神空虚;衣食富足,礼仪欠缺;行动自由,感觉闭塞; 原因:找不到人生的意义与价值,缺乏明确的价值观 方法:...