一、优化CPU 尽量用轻量级的对象,比如用不到事件处理的地方,可以考虑使用CALayer取代UIView; 不要频繁地调用 UIView的相关属性,比如frame、bound...

一、优化CPU 尽量用轻量级的对象,比如用不到事件处理的地方,可以考虑使用CALayer取代UIView; 不要频繁地调用 UIView的相关属性,比如frame、bound...
上面self.arr1 = array;
不是应该等于 NSMutableArray *arr1 = [array copy]吗,//( NSMutableArray *arr1 == self. arr1是可变的数组)
那arr1 -> self.arr1 不是应该是个可变数组吗,为什么这里不能调可变数组的api?
为什么NSMutableArray用copy修饰会crash?在网上经常看到这样的温馨提示,创建NSArray 属性时要用copy关键词,而创建NSMutableArray的属性时要使用strong修饰。开始时不大理解,表示自己在项目里...
[testArray copy];
为什么可变对象copy后 会变成不可变副本,不是说对可变对象的copy后都是可变对象吗。
[可变对象 copy] 深拷贝
改font的话 是哪个key名?
github链接是多少哦,上面的点不开 @喵小泣
iOS - 给数字的改变增加动效地址放在最前面: 简单实现动效改变数字-github 写在前面 最近在使用一些app时 , 发现他们点赞功能后面的数字增加或者减少会有一个动画改变的效果 , 很喜欢这样的小...
ios-twitter分享遇到的问题更新了twitter3.0后分享中的东西重新配置,代码修改后测试发现,有的手机分享成功,有的到了授权界面点击连接后就返回错误403,对着官网一看 handle = [[Twi...
So there is no callback on the development account. Recently, we have encountered new problems. 2. When the 13.1.3 system installs the app, when pulling up the authorization page and returning, it will directly report an error as follows:
Error Domain=TWTRNetworkingErrorDomain Code=-1011 \"Request failed: forbidden (403)\" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=Twitter API error : <?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><errors><error code=\"415\">Callback URL not approved for this client application. Approved callback URLs can be adjusted in your application settings</error></errors> (code (null)), TWTRNetworkingStatusCode=403, NSErrorFailingURLKey=https://api.twitter.com/oauth/request_token, NSLocalizedDescription=Request failed: forbidden (403)}" ,
But the iPhone with the 12.4 system is good. After checking the relevant information, it is said that the callback address is not set, so why the 12.4 system mobile phone is normal.
Have you ever encountered similar problems? How to solve them? Please help to solve any problem in ① or ②, thank you
原生Twitter第三方登陆报错“Callback URL not approved for this client application. Approved callback URLs ca...用推特原生的sdk做ios的twitter第三方登陆,报错如下:[TwitterKit] did encounter error with message "Error ob...
> I set callback url,then the problem had fixed.However, another issue has appeared, ....
> √ if I hasn't installed the twitter app, it will open the web auth page.It seems ok.
> × If I install the twitter app, it will open the twitter app to auth, but when I cancel return to my app, it open the twitter web page authorization. Why? Now repeatedly evoke, how can I only evoke an authorization once?
> Help Please,tks....
Hello, would you like to ask this question, have you solved it? I have encountered the same problem, if the solution hopes to tell how to solve it.
_Originally posted by @zhangchangrui in https://github.com/twitter-archive/twitter-kit-ios/issues/121#issuecomment-532989292_
After the callback URL is set, it is normal to authorize when the twitter app is not installed; however, there are new problems: (1) if the twitter app is installed, the web authorization page will pop up again when the twitter app finishes authorizing and returns to its own app.
原生Twitter第三方登陆报错“Callback URL not approved for this client application. Approved callback URLs ca...用推特原生的sdk做ios的twitter第三方登陆,报错如下:[TwitterKit] did encounter error with message "Error ob...
设置callback,确实好了。但是发现设置了这个url 如果有安装过app的话,会二次唤起授权页(先唤起Twitter app,然后回到自己app时,还会唤起Twitter网页授权页)。这个怎么解决的?
原生Twitter第三方登陆报错“Callback URL not approved for this client application. Approved callback URLs ca...用推特原生的sdk做ios的twitter第三方登陆,报错如下:[TwitterKit] did encounter error with message "Error ob...
已经安装twitter app的时候,拉起授权,会先跳app,回到自己的app,还会拉起twitter的web页授权怎么处理?重复授权了
iOS 接入Twitter 相关注意点1. 接入前配置 Download and unzip Twitter Kit Add TwitterKit to "Embedded Binaries" in your X...