1、喜欢是多巴胺,爱是无数个晚饭后的晚安,早饭前的早安。 2、遇到缺点时,喜欢是扣分,爱是包容。 3、喜欢就是不顾一切得到你,爱就是你跟谁都行,幸福就好,最后没人要了我也要。...
Tim Urban: Inside the mind of a master procrastinator | TED Talk Video 1: On Procrastin...
A Job Interview W: Yes, I've been enjoying listening to you and learning more about you...
Rent or Buy 1 John and Linda have been arguing about whether to buy a house for a long ...
RentorBuy2 Another reason John is against buying a house is that he doesn’t have confid...
Investors Beware When people talk about investing, they are always looking for the best...
Because the treatment wasn't working, Jack tried something new. He decided to use brain...