图片发自简书App Video 1: On Procrastination So in college, I was a government major, which me...
What's wrong? You look awful. My boyfriend and I have just had another fight. I think I...
Hey,whatdoyouthink? Doyoulikeit? No,it'stooshort. Youcan'twearthattotheoffice. Ifyoudo,...
let‘s flip for it.
懂你英语 Level3-Uni3Unit 3-1 Listening 地球历史,污染 There are many forms of live on earth, including human be...
Unit 3-1 Listening 地球历史,污染 There are many forms of live on earth, including human be...
Do you have any more information about the location of the missing aircraft? No, we don...
People have wondered about the nature of light and color since ancient times. Some peop...
What's so funny? What are you writing about? I'm writing about something I saw earlier ...
作为一个从来没有学过画画,却分外热爱画画的无基础小白,本团子深深觉得寄几应该请个师户啊!! 本团子会加油的,,毕竟,,毕竟人家为了画画买了两大盒彩铅吖!!!钱包表示肉疼……
自学素描有三个月了,坚持了整整一个冬季,从一个素描小白成长为了一个初级入门者。 初步认识到什么是素描,而不再是单纯的线描。 当然,对于起型、结构、块面的表现、体积和质感,还不...
A bar graph uses rectangle bars in different length to show and compare data. The lengt...
Earthquakes are caused by forces deep within the Earth. When the earth shakes, building...