240 发简信
  • 2018-12-31

    When I start to write this article I have nothing in my mind what to wri...

  • 2018-12-23

    I have been reading "The boron letters" recently. Following are some opi...

  • 2018-12-16

    A plan for a trip in the province was settled weeks earlier. The destina...

  • 2018-12-09

    I agree that reading makes people intelligent. I have been trying to for...

  • 2018-12-02

    I made a big decision this week -- I decided to quit alcohol and smoking...

  • 2018-11-24

    A few days back, I made a decision to write weekly English dairy from th...

  • Boring meeting spoiled my plan to go jogging

    Today is Tuesday. Our company holds meeting in Tuesday which every emplo...

  • 会与不会

    那些问出 ”你会不会英语?" 的人, 是怎样一种思维逻辑? 首先,我们把完全不会英语的人 ,定义为字母都不认识,听说写的能力为零(0)。再,我们...

  • 为什么你成长慢?

    有一个新来的同事,跟我住一个宿舍。由于我每天晚上加班回宿舍后都会看一小时以上的书,加上我经常跟他说 ”人丑就要多读书“(其实我们并不是真丑),他...