概要: 1.未来5年,人类将面临被ai超越的危机——chatGpt确实如此:注释转文&文转图; 2.人类能否组织被超越的命运呢?脑机接口是个不错...
不爱喝水也会让人老得快?! 是真的。 一项发表在柳叶刀子刊EBiomedicine的研究显示: 当人体血清钠浓度还没有超标,仅仅处于正常范围里的...
# hello test ## title2
Today I went back to my plan after didn't do that for 5 days. Firstly I...
Yesterday, It's too late to write a diary and then, I will instead the t...
Today I did more things in a tired state. In the morning, I got up very ...
Today is the second series to keep the writing daily in English. And in ...
Today's Saturday, I opened a new area for sold somthing to C and B. The ...