参照:https://cbk419323.blog.csdn.net/article/details/104171307 一、创建型模式 共五种...
解释器模式(InterpreterPattern) 1. 概念 Given a language, define a representatio...
中介者模式(MediatorPattern) 1. 概念 Define an object that encapsulates how a se...
观察者模式(Observer Pattern) 1. 概念 Define a one-to-many dependency between ob...
访问者模式(VisitorPattern) 1. 概念 Represent an operation to be performed on th...
备忘录模式(MementoPattern) 1. 概念 Without violating encapsulation, capture and...
责任链模式(Chain of ResponsibilityPattern) 1. 概念 Avoid coupling the sender of...
策略模式(Strategy Pattern) 1. 概念 Define a family of algorithms,encapsulate e...
迭代器模式(Iterator Pattern) 1. 概念 Provide a way to access the elements of an...