4月最后一天,上了沟通中很重要但之前被忽略的一课:遇到Killer Critic怎么办?你有没有发现自己可能遇到言语暴力了却都没有意识到,也忽略...
做线上会议的主持人,如何实现讲得漂亮,现场灵活,呈现得体? 讲得漂亮 俗话说,凡事预则立,不预则废。主持人做得好,现场串场自然顺畅,一气呵成,准...
这是一篇迟到的生日文,从27岁生日开始,我希望每年都用文字记录那年的成长和变化,期待着到老了再回看自己的一生,会觉得不虚此行。 29岁的生日发生...
题目:I feel pleasure to be under pressure Message: Perspective Matters. Sa...
题目:Head of Chicken or Tail of Phoenix You cannot decide where you’re at....
题目:Something that you want to do but never do.
题目:Life is a box of... Life is a box of candies. But they’re not neccesa...
题目:Choice We make choices even without noticing it.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDIZS4IQlQk&t=308s 今天继续解构Simon Sinek的Lov...